The Ask Jeeves-Google partnership isn't ending. Google's ads will continue to show up on Ask Jeeves. But now, any advertiser that wishes will easily be able to purchase placement directly through Ask Jeeves itself. Based on years of experience with both businesses and searchers, these guidelines will help you create high-performance listings that drive more qualified traffic to your pages. It is your responsibility to make sure your listings adhere to the guidelines. Ask Sponsored Listings (ASL) may reject listings that do not adhere to the guidelines or that it deems otherwise inappropriate.
There are four high level principles upon which the guidelines are based:
- Unnecessary capitalization that is solely used for emphasis is unacceptable (ex: "FREE upgrade", "Buy NOW")
- Acronyms (ex: "ASAP", "OK")
- Company name if the brand name is capitalized (ex: "DELL")
- Incorrect spacing between words, letters and punctuation is unacceptable (ex: "Mortgage.Rate", "Mortgage ! Rate", "M o r t g a g e", "Mortgagerate")
- Correct spacing between #'s and symbols (ex: #353-6121, $49.99)
- Display URL in ad copy (ex: – AskJeeves is OK in ad copy)
- Obvious Misspellings are unacceptable (ex: Recieve, Guarantie)
- Symbols, Numbers and Letters in place of words (ex: Make $$$, Find a # of products, Look 4 it here, We care about U)
- Ads that include more than one exclamation point will not be accepted
- Punctuation used for extra and unnecessary emphasis is unacceptable (ex: *Free Upgrade*, <>)
- Common punctuation (ex: Set up your account today!)
- Buy here...
- Buy buy buy here, free free free upgrade
(ex: Click for your free horoscope today, Apply for 0% Intro APR on Purchases for 12 Months!)
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Ask Sponsored Listings Editorial Guidelines
Ad Copy: A listing must accurately represent the linked page and keyword at all times.
Editorial Discretion
To help expedite the approval process of your ads, the Ask Sponsored Listings Editorial Team may correct spacing and spelling errors when found in the title and description of your copy. An email will be sent to alert you when any of your ads have been modified.
Grammar and Spelling
Exclamation Point
Unnecessary Punctuation
Repetitive Punctuation
Repetitive Words
Call to Action
Refrain from using general Call to action phrases (ex: Click here, Visit us, Apply now)
Refrain from using superlative language such as, Lowest Price, Highest Quality, Best Car, # 1 Computer Software, Largest.
Superlative language must be supported on the landing page by third party verification/certification (i.e. Voted #1 by
Competitive Advantages
Competitive advantage claims such as, Better than, Superior to, and Cheaper than, must be supported on the landing page
Offensive Language
Refrain from using language that is explicit, inappropriate, or offensive
Keywords: There must be a clear and obvious connection between the keyword phrase and the content or purpose of the ad copy and destination page.
There must be a clear and obvious connection between the keyword phrase and the content or purpose of the landing page. It must be apparent that the level of service or product implied by the keyword is offered on the site.
Generally search engines, directories, encyclopedias, and similar broad reference sites covering a wide range of content may not bid on specific terms for keywords that relate to content found only by searching or browsing deep within the site
General terms can be used only for pages that cover a topic with a wide range of products, services, or offers.
If a listing serves a limited geographic location, the keyword phrase should include an appropriate geographic modifier. Geographic keyword phrases should include a product or service in addition to the geographic location ("Houston homes for sale" instead of "Houston, Texas").
Foreign-language keywords may be purchased as long as the targeted site is in English or Spanish, suitable for an audience based in the U.S. or Canada and the terms are relevant to that site.
Trademark Issues
URLs: The listing URL must be fully accessible, functional and loadable at all times.
Display URL
Your display URL must be an accurate representation of your website.
Your display URL must include an extension (.net, .edu, .com, etc.).
Destination URL
Your URL must be fully accessible and load completely 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Your site must offer quality content that fulfills a specific user need.
All links on site must be fully functional.
The landing page for your site cannot be "under construction" in order to run on ASL.
URLs that automatically redirect to another Web site will not be accepted.
Your listing cannot link to a landing page that generates excessive pop ups (more than one) when a user clicks on your listing or leaves your landing page. Pop ups are highly discouraged as they cause a poor user experience.
The browsers back button for your site must be enabled.
URLs must begin with either of these protocols: "http://" or "https://".
"https://" must be used when the site is asking a user to provide personal information.
When a user clicks on your listing they must be directed to a landing page that is relevant to the listing and keyword.
Content: Content that promotes illegal activities or that infringes on third party intellectual property and other rights are not acceptable. Sites promoting certain age restricted products and other regulated products are acceptable under certain conditions
Posted by
Computer Peripheral Devices Connects
11:46 PM
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